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In August 2013, Mr Howells discarded a hard drive at the city of Newport tip said to contain a passkey to Bitcoin. Mr Howells sought a declaration that title in the hard drive remained with him and he ought therefore be granted access to retrieve the same; alternatively damages for the loss of value of his Bitcoin in the sum of ยฃ598million.

In his judgement dated 9 January 2025 HHJ Keyser KC granted summary judgement on the claim concluding, inter alia, title in the hard drive, upon disposal at the tip, vested in Newport City Council.

Mr Howellโ€™s application for permission to appeal on 7 grounds has now been refused by the Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Nugee.

Newport City Council were successfully represented by Olivia Chaffin-Laird led by James Goudie KC of 11KBW.

Chris Chiles